
Solutions to Five Tricky Breastfeeding Challenges

By Joy Kosak July 25, 2014
Since August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month, Macaroni Kid Stork wanted to highlight some of the most common breastfeeding challenges that moms face. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding your baby for six months, but new mothers often run into frustrating challenges that make the prospect of breastfeeding for half a year seem incredibly daunting. The substantial amount of breastfeeding-related dilemmas that may arise, ranging from physical complications like producing too little milk to practical problems like nursing in public, can overwhelm the most resourceful of first-time moms. These difficulties sometimes overshadow the emotional element of breastfeeding, which can foster a truly one-of-a-kind sense of bonding with your new baby. Here are some solutions to overcome typical nursing troubles and enjoy stress-free breastfeeding with your little bundle of joy.

Challenge #1: Nursing On the Go
With errands to run, places to be and people to see, new moms are often whisking their babies off to different destinations. On longer outings, you may find yourself having to breastfeed — and the beautiful experience of introducing your little one to the world can turn ugly when tainted with open-mouthed stares or judgmental glares from impolite passersby. Thankfully, there are many products that help moms who are nervous about nursing and pumping in public to do so quickly and discreetly, without attracting the unwelcome attention of strangers. For example, the Jolly Jumper Pashmama serves as both a nursing cover and a pashmina, protecting moms from prying eyes while simultaneously adding a pinch of fashion to an outfit. If you’re still fretting about feeding, bring a small blanket along to maximize your privacy.

Challenge #2: Not Producing Enough Milk
Some mothers find their bodies struggling to properly quench their babies’ hunger. No one wants to send a baby to bed hungry, but luckily there’s a quick — and delicious — fix if you can’t muster up sufficient milk. Milkmakers are lactation cookies that help promote an abundant supply of breast milk, resulting in a well-fed baby. The mixture of oats, brewer’s yeast and flax seed within each cookie can increase milk production by providing your body with the natural nutrition it needs to lactate. Meanwhile, you’ll enjoy the added pleasure that comes along with munching on scrumptious treats!

Challenge #3: Leakage
On the flip side, excessive milk production is another prominent breastfeeding affliction that can occur, leading to leakage that can stain clothing and cause embarrassment. Fortunately, nursing pads, which are placed over each breast inside the bra, absorb surplus milk in a comfortable and inconspicuous manner. Bamboobies nursing pads are ultra-soft and don’t show through, while preventing embarrassing leaks.

Challenge #4: Pumping Support
Since not all moms can be with their baby each time he or she needs to nurse, many pump when they return to work, travel or are out-and-about away from baby. There are many tools that can make this a more convenient experience. For example, the Simple Wishes B3 All-in-One Nursing and Pumping Bra affords moms the chance to nurse, pump hands-free, or do both simultaneously with ten different points of support. Perfect for all on-the-go and working mothers, this innovative bra simplifies breastfeeding by eliminating several tiresome steps in the process.

Challenge #5: Nipple Confusion
As you wean your baby off of breastfeeding, be aware that transitioning from breast to bottle can be problematic for babies. To make the switch smoother for your child (and for you!), use a bottle with a shape and consistency that imitates a nipple so your baby will be able to comfortably latch onto its cap. LATCH by Munchkin aids in the transition from breast to bottle and back with three key features: it provides better latch with an accordion-style nipple, acts like the breast so baby controls the flow of milk, and reduces colic with an anti-colic valve that ensures air bubbles do not travel through the breast milk.

Last but not least, although breastfeeding can be burdensome, if you run into challenges, remember that you are doing the best possible thing for both you and your baby by aiming to achieve your individual breastfeeding goal.

Joy Kosak is a knowledgeable breastfeeding and pumping advocate, mother of two, and business owner of two breastfeeding-related businesses. Her journey began when her sister became a mother and noticed a void in the market for convenient pumping accessories, and thus the Simple Wishes hands-free pumping bra was born. Since founding Simple Wishes in 2010, Joy and her sisters have immersed themselves in the industry, learning as much as possible about nursing mothers' needs in order to help meet them and maximize their breastfeeding experience.